While visiting New York, we stopped in to one of the city’s many restaurants for brunch and had to walk past the bar to get to our table. On our way out, I liked the colors that the bottles were making due to the lights beneath them, so I took a shot.
There are many memorials scattered throughout Manhattan. During my short visit to the area, I was not able to visit many of them and to be honest, I wasn’t there to really visit memorials. However, the friends that we were with suggested that we visit this particular spot. At the time, I didn’t really know Read More …
I took this photo while visiting New York City. In case you don’t know what this is, it’s a standpipe. What is a standpipe? These are used by fire departments to get their water up to the upper stories of tall buildings. These are not normally seen in smaller towns, since they don’t have taller Read More …