Banakas | Photography

Everyone has their own special workflow they use to get images to all the different places that images go. There are programs out there that can help you upload your images to all the different places. Lightroom is probably one of the best (at least in my opinion, because that’s what I use). But even in Lightroom there are many different ways to achieve the same outcome. Exporting images, for example.

Some Lightroom users, will export their images to their desired image size using the “Export” tool and then upload them to Facebook. Others may have downloaded Plug-ins that upload and manage their Facebook albums (Lightroom 3 made this a native feature).


…did you know that you can upload images to your Facebook Page just by sending an email?

You can! I’ll show you how.

how to email photos to facebookIn order to email in your post, you first need to find out the super-secret email address in which to sent to. Keep in mind this only seems to work with Pages, not your personal timeline (I can’t seem to find the updated instructions to find the super-secret email address).

Facebook Info

Login to Facebook and head over to the page that you manage.

  • Click on “Edit Page”
  • Click on “Edit Settings”
  • Click on “More”
  • Click on “Mobile”

There you will find your personalized email address. It will look something like: “” Do not let anyone else know what this email address is. Any email sent to this address will get posted to your facebook page. So, don’t give it out to anyone. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Email Format

The trick to getting your post properly formatted is actually quite simple. Attach the image that you wish to upload to your email and enter in your “post” in the Subject Field. Only the information you add to the Subject Field will be added to your facebook post. All other information will be discarded.

Categories: Articles, Featured

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