Everyone has a different style of learning, but one common bond is that we all tend to head back to the book at the end of the day. Below is a list of books that I currently refer to from time to time to help with the technical aspects of photography:
- The Digital Photography Book
by Scott Kelby
- The Digital Photography Book, Part 2
by Scott Kelby
- The Digital Photography Book, Part 3
by Scott Kelby
- Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera
by Bryan Peterson
- Digital SLR Cameras and Photography For Dummies
by David D. Busch
- Basics Photography 01: Composition (Basics Photography 1)
by David Präkel
- Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop (Voices That Matter)
by Scott Kelby
- Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers
by Corey Barker
- Langford’s Basic Photography: The Guide for Serious Photographers
by Michael Langford
- Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual
by Lesa Sinder
What are some of your favorite photography reads?
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