This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 400, f/4, for 1/3200sec
The image above is an HDR that was created using Photomatix Pro with a 7 exposure bracket. However, that bracket was created in Lightroom from a single image.
To create an HDR (High Dynamic Range) image, you would set your camera for AE Bracketing, and fire off 3, 5, 7 or 9 shots to create a range of shots of the same subject at varying exposure levels. In normal circumstances, when shooting bracketed shots, you would want to have your camera attached to a tripod or some other way of stabilizing your shot. However, there are times when you may not have a tripod but you still have a shot that you wish to make into an HDR. It is easy to create bracketed shots from one image using Lightroom.
Below are 3 simple steps to get your single image into a bracketed set. This works best when you are processing RAW images.
Step 1: Select Image
– Select the image in the Library Module that you wish to use and right click on that image and click on “Create Virtual Copy” (keyboard shortcut: CTRL-‘ ). Do this 6 more times if you wish to have a 7 shot bracket.
– You will now have 8 images that all look alike. Your original image, plus 7 copies.
Step 2: Adjust Image Exposures
- Starting with the first copy of your image in the Library Module, select it and then click the << button three times under “Exposure” in the Quick Adjustments menu. This creates the -3 EV image of the set.
- Next, select the next image (Copy 2) and click the << twice. This creates the -2 EV image of the set.
- Then, select the next image (Copy 3) and click the << once. This creates the -1 EV image of the set.
- Leave Copy 4 alone, this is your 0 EV image.
- Next, select Copy 5 of the image and click the >> once. This creates the +1 EV image.
- Then, select Copy 6 of the image and click the >> twice. This is your +2 EV image.
- Finally, select Copy 7 of the image and click the >> three times. This is your +3 EV image.
Step 3: Export
– Highlight your seven images and export them into your tone mapping software and finish your HDR.
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This post was created as part of an exercise in creating a “How To” post on Darren Rowse’s site.