Banakas | Photography

A few weeks ago, Jerry Denham and I visited Cades Cove hoping for one type of weather, but we were presented with dreary weather and had to make the most out of what nature had given us that morning. We spent several hours wandering around the area and we came across this tree that was kind of tucked out of the way and at the top of a hill surrounded by very high grasses.

This day ended up being a great day for the contrasts of blacks and greys and between the two of us; we have come up with quite a few black and white images from that particular outing.

Another thing this day gave us was an opportunity to both shoot the same subjects and come back with some completely different images. It’s amazing what a different set of eyes will find and capture. Several times, we both mentioned that had it not been for the other, we would not have “seen that shot”.

I would strongly recommend that you follow Jerry Denham and his photography. He lives in the same general area as myself, so we tend to shoot the same areas, but with different views and perspectives. Check out his Facebook page, Blog, and/or Google+

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/9, for 1/30sec

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