For those that don’t know, Cades Cove is an area within the Smoky Mountains that was once a little community that had settled within this little valley nestled in the middle of the mountains. There is an 11 mile one-way road that circles the valley. Driving around the loop can take some time as everyone will stop along the way (in the middle of the road) and hang out of their cars/trucks/RV’s and snap photos of the landscape. Along the loop, there are two roads that allow for a “shortcut” to the other side of the loop. Of all of the times that I had ever been to Cades Cove, have been to only drive around the complete loop. I had never been on either of the two connecting roads.
Well, on this day Jerry Denham and I took one of the connecting roads named Sparks Lane and stopped to take a photo of the two trees you see in the background of this image. One tree on either side of the road. I’ll post an image of that on another day. After we took shots of those trees from the road, we decided to stop on the other side of the trees and get out and shoot from this field and check out a large group of horses. While walking through the field, we came across this little stream. The trees and the fog covering the mountains made for an interesting background.
This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/22, for 1/4sec