This shot was taken one afternoon while my kids were playing in a park. We were waiting for their Christmas program at school to start, so we waisted some time at a nearby park.
Due to the time the sun sets in this area, and the distance we live from where we work and the kids go to school, and everything else that consumes our time during the day, being outdoors during sunsets is rare, but I’m usually happy with the results when I’m able to capture them.
I tried something new in post production with this photo. I tried to create a “dreamy effect” by taking bringing this photo into Photoshop. I created a copy as a layer, added a slight Gaussian Blur, then adjusted the opacity of that layer, so more of the original layer came through, but still has a slight haze to it. What are your thoughts on this effect? Too little, too much, or just right?
This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/22, for 1/15sec