Hello everyone (at least those that read this)! I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I haven’t been posting as regularly as I have in the past, or as frequently as I would like. But, just because I’m not posting doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing any thing. Quite the contrary!
Over the past few months, I have been working with my wife to help here get her massage business off the ground. That includes doing most of the design work for fliers, brochures, business cards, referral cards, advertising campaigns, and anything else that I have forgotten. I have also upgraded her website (massage.terrahbanakas.com)to a more dynamic, information driven experience for her and her customers. Since she has been busy doing the actual massages and other leg work for her business, I’ve been working on producing content, and scheduling posts for her new site.
Also, this week, I decided that I would do pretty much the same thing with my church’s website (www.theconcordchurch.org). Since I had just finished working on my wife’s site, working on this site was much quicker, since a lot of the technology behind all the sites that I’m currently managing are the same.
To reach the maximum number of views, all of my sites include the automation of twitter and facebook posts. I’m still waiting for Google+ and Pintrest to release their API’s so that the automation of posts will include those outlets as well.
Good night everyone and I will get back to posting on a more regular basis very soon.
This is a photo that was taken just a few days after we got this camera, almost a year and a half ago:
Clay eating his first Subway sub.
EXIF Data:
Camera: NIKON D5000
Shutter Speed: 1/320s
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: ISO 1000
Focal Length: 26 mm
Lens: 18.0-55.0 mm f/3.5-5.6