Banakas | Photography

I’m not much of a street photographer, with the exception of photographing my children, I believe this guy is the only stranger that I have taken an image of, as the subject. I’m a shy person and I know I would be very uncomfortable just taking shots of strangers on the street without their permission. But it’s something that I need to work on.

A few months ago I was in New York for the first time and I thought I would be easy for me to just start capturing strangers doing whatever it was that they were doing, but truth be told, it was difficult for me. I guess it’s just one of those things that comes with practice.

For now, I guess I’ll stick to cows, birds, and my family. They don’t seem to mind having a camera in their face.

After taking a few shots, this gentleman did acknowledge me and our conversation was kept very short. He kept doing what he was doing, and didn’t mind that I kept doing what I was doing.

Categories: People

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