This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/22, for 1/10sec East Tennessee Veterans Memorial This shot is from the East Tennessee Veterans Memorial in Downtown Knoxville. Thank you to all past and present service members for all the hard and brave work you have done to protect this country and our Read More …

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 400, f/4, for 1/20sec Yesterday, Jerry Denhem and I ended up in downtown Knoxville at the Forks of the River Wildlife Management Area to take photos of the sunflowers. After getting lost even trying to find the place in South Knoxville, we ended up walking Read More …

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/11, for 2.60sec This was the first shot of the night for the fireworks display. The night was filled with a consistent but light rain, my camera was covered with a plastic bag. As the show went on, the area in the sky where Read More …

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 400, f/16, for 30sec Knoxville Riverwalk at Night Quick Tip: Try shooting urban landscapes at night using the Tungsten White Balance. Even though I shoot in RAW and make minor adjustments in either Lightroom or Photoshop, for this particular shot, it was suggested to me Read More …

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 200, f/22, for 10.00sec First Tennessee Plaza First Tennessee Plaza is Knoxville, Tennessee’s tallest building. Construction for this building was completed in 1978 and is 27-stories tall. The building was originally known as the United American Plaza, but is now known as the First Tennessee Read More …

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 100, f/22, for 101.00sec Knoxville Sunsphere – World’s Fair Park This shot was taken a shutter speed of 101 seconds. Yes, one minute and 41 seconds. The reason for such a long shutter speed was due to the shot being taken during such harsh light. Read More …

On this site in 1790’s, stood a two-story log structure that was used as classrooms for Blount College; pre-dating The University of Tennessee. The Burwell Building, the building that you see here, was built in 1907 and until 1912 was the tallest building in Knoxville. On October 1, 1928, “Knoxville’s Grand Entertainment Palace” opened its Read More …