Banakas | Photography

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 100, f/22, for 1/2sec

My Slice Of Paradise

You never know what doors are available to you when you first meet someone. But there is always something new to learn from anyone.

Jerry Denham and I first met, it was through Google+, and it was good to have met a photographer that lived close by. Living in a very small town and working half an hour away takes away from meeting people that live within your community.

Jerry and I followed each other’s work through Google+, then Facebook and finally after a few months met for an early morning hike to Laurel Falls in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. It was there that we left the main attraction and started to climb down and work our way down stream to take shots of the minor waterfalls.

Prior to this day, I had never gone to a “named waterfall” and really explore the area by working my way downstream or up to see what else is there. We spent a good hour exploring and taking shots away from the main attraction.

This shot was not taken at Laurel Falls, but was taken downstream from Ozone Falls in Cumberland County, TN.

With climbing down and over some rocks and fallen trees, I was able to find this small waterfall (probably about 8-10’ in height).

Categories: Other Places, Waterfall

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