Banakas | Photography

Together we stand strong!

I was out in my yard this afternoon with my camera and my Nikon 55-200mm DX Zoomlens taking photos of birds and the blossoms of the Bradford Pear trees. After I had lost the light that I was trying to capture with the blossoms, I decided to get very low and capture the yard from a different angle.

Currently and through most of the winter, my yard never turned brown, due to the Purple Dead Nettle. I’m going to call them weeds, but others have been known to use them in smoothies (due to being highly nutritious, full of iron, vitamins, and fiber). These weeds have blanketed my front yard and most of my back yard and have survived our crazy winter. Soon they will be dying to make room for the dandelions and other weeds that over take my yard, so I decided today I would try to capture them in a different way.

They actually look nice from down here.

This shot was taken using a NIKON D5000 at ISO 1000, f/5.6, for 1/40sec

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Categories: Things

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