Quick Tip:
Here’s a quick tip to help you quickly “pick” or “reject” images from a shoot.
In Lightroom you have a few keys that will help you quickly cull through your recent shoot. I feel these keys can actually shave minutes off of your post processing time.
Keys to remember: “P” for “Picked” and “X” for “Rejected”
Using just these two keys will allow you to flag the currently selected image(s) as a keeper or a throw-away.
But using this method requires you to manually move through your images after making the choice.
Speed This Up
The real time-saver here is the Caps-Lock key. Pressing the caps-lock key at the beginning of this process will turn on “auto-advance” and will automatically advance your images after you make your selection. This way all you need to do is keep your fingers on the P and the X keys. Make your selections and in no time you will have gone through your set of images. Flagging them as picked or rejected.